The Sacred Purpose of the Church of Scio-Buddhism is to spread the teachings of Scionics Philosophy and Scio-Buddhism, to maintain and preserve the spiritual, mental and physical well-being of its Membership, and to coordinate religious worship, observances, services, ministrations, practices, and teachings in full harmony and accord with the Philosophy, Faith and One Sacred Law of Scio-Buddhism: "LIVE AND LET LIVE!"

The Church of Scio-Buddhism, for the purpose of fulfilling its Sacred Purpose, may ordain and establish rules, regulations, or Laws consistent with the One Sacred Law of Scio-Buddhism, according to which Members of the Church shall act and officiate. The Church of Scio-Buddhism has ecclesiastic authority to provide a place or places and facilitate the means of spiritual worship, observances, services, ministrations, practices and education.


The Sacred Faith of the Church of Scio-Buddhism holds that all Human Beings are Sovereign by Natural Law, and that that the Sovereign Individual is Morally his or her own highest Authority. The Most Sacred Right of the Members of this Assembly, by virtue of our Membership and by our Nature as Sovereign Human Beings, is the Most Sacred Right of Freedom and Self-determination. The Most Sacred Right has as its necessary corollary the reciprocal Most Sacred Duty of Non-Interference with the Rights, Freedoms and Self-determination of others. The Most Sacred Right and the Most Sacred Duty are integrated into the One Sacred Law of Scio-Buddhism. The One Sacred Law is: "LIVE AND LET LIVE!"

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