Faith and Philosophy Consistent with Reason and Reality
Many websites have a page of “Frequently Asked Questions,” or “FAQs.” We do too, but we have to admit that we don’t really know, in advance, just what questions will be “frequently asked” of us. In light of this, we have simply compiled certain information, which we think might be of interest to our visitors, into the common “FAQs” format. Over time, if we find that certain questions actually are asked frequently, this will be reflected on this page.
Q: What is the Scionics Institute?
A: The Scionics Institute is the idependent research, publishing and policy arm of the Church of Scio-Buddhism. It is part of the Church, and operates under the authority of the Church.
The Scionics Institute disseminates and publishes fully integrated, non-mystical, rational, reality-based information, in the faith and knowledge that such information is required for the actualization of the highest potential of the individual and society. This information is a long-overdue and much needed antidote to the all-too-common mysticisms and superstitions which have plagued humanity since before the beginning of history itself.
The mandate of the Scionics Institute is to continue the work of the Founder of the Scionics Project. While the Scionics Institute is an arm of the Church, the Church does not direct the activities of the Institute; to the contrary, it is the Scionics Institute which sets policy for the Church. In fact, if the Scionics Institute were to develop or discover new information contradictory to currently establish Church Doctrine, the Church would be bound to modify its Doctrine accordingly. The Church of Scio-Buddhism will, in this way, maintain an iron-clad grip and adherence to the most accurate information available.
Q: Who created all of this?
A: The Scionics Project (which spawned the Scionics Institute and the Church of Scio-Buddhism) was initiated by one person, the “Founder,” decades ago. Due to the massive scope and complexity of this project, others with particular knowledge and skills were consulted and aided, to various degrees, guided by the Founder and the principles he established. These principles included a complete commitment to honesty, reality and rationality (or “empiricorationality,” as we collectively refer to these mutually necessary prinicples).
It has been determined that we should remain anonymous at this time, because much of the information generated by the Scionics Project directly contradicts and exposes the false mysticisms inherent in much of religion, government, and society in general. To reveal our identities would be to put ourselves at risk of becoming the targets of those who might view us as threats to their belief systems or power structures.
Q: What is Scio-Buddhism? Isn’t Buddhism mystical by its very nature? How can the Scionics Institute claim to disseminate only non-mystical information, in light of the mystical nature of Buddhism?
A: The simple answer is that Scio-Buddhism is the completely non-mystical form of Buddhism which was discovered during the development of Scionics Philosophy.
Here’s the more detailed answer: The Scionics Project was not initiated with the intention of creating any sort of religion at all. The purpose of Scionics was to create a fully-integrated, rational and reality-based philosophy. Scio-Buddhism was a natural but unexpected discovery which came about during the development of the Scionics Protocols.
Much research and effort has gone into the development of Scionics. This required the in-depth study and investigation of subjects and ideas from across the entire gamut of human thought and activity. During this research and investigation, it was critical that mystical ideas and concepts be identified and distinguished from reality-based ideas and concepts. As might be expected, the myriad religions of the world (both those practiced today and those which were practiced in the past) were found to contain enormous amounts of mysticism.
All Abrahamic religions (all forms of Christianity, Judaism and Islam) are completely negated when their mysticisms are eliminated. It is impossible to imagine any sort of meaningful Christianity without the Salvation brought about by the Resurrection, for example, or Judaism without the Covenant, or Islam without the divinely received revelation of Mohammed. These mysticisms are absolutely central to their respective religions. This is the case for essentially all traditional world religions.
There is one, however, which was found to have a fundamental core of beliefs which is reality-based and rational, and completely free of mysticism: Buddhism. That may seem like a somewhat strange assertion, in light of the fact that Buddhism has traditionally been associated with all sorts of mysticisms. Unlike other religions, however, these mysticisms can be stripped away, leaving behind a very meaningful and solid core of highly valuable and effective principles and practices; in fact, the superior value and efficacy of this non-mystical form of Buddhism is precisely due to its non-mystical nature.
It became increasingly apparent to the Founder and contributors to the Scionics Project that there were a number of very significant parallels between certain aspects of Scionics Philosophy and this fundamental core of non-mystical Buddhist principles and practices; in fact, it was found that these non-mystical Buddhist principles and practices are completely consistent with Scionics Philosophy. Furthermore, due to the extraordinarily wide-scope and widely-integrated nature of Scionics Philosophy, Scionics further illuminates and enhances the already very valuable and powerful principles, practices and beliefs of this non-mystical fundamental core of Buddhism. The result is Scio-Buddhism, the integration of Scionics with the non-mystical core of Buddhism.
The term “Scion” refers to one who operates completely free from mysticism. “Scio-Buddhism” is a very fitting term to refer to the completely non-mystical form of Buddhism which remains in the absence of all mysticism, integrated with Scionics. The purpose of the Church of Scio-Buddhism is to disseminate the faith and practice of Scio-Buddhism, and also the Scionics Philosophy which is at its foundation.
Q: Why do you have two websites; one for the Church itself (SCIO-BUDDHISM.COM) and one for the Scionics Institute (SCIONICS.ORG) Why not just use one?
A: Both websites are instruments of the Church of Scio-Buddhism. SCIO-BUDDHISM.COM is for those who wish more in-depth information about the Church and its practices, and for those who wish to become Church Members or Ordained Clergy. While we would love for everyone to become Church Members, and while our Church is completely devoid of all mysticisms, we know that many people are “turned off” by religions and religious organizations; this is due, in large part, to the mysticisms almost universally found in other religions.
Therefore we have decided to disseminate the completely honest, reality-based, and rational Scionics Philosophy, which is the foundation and progenitor of Scio-Buddhism, on its own site, SCIONICS.ORG. In this way we hope not to scare off those who are averse to religion, but who are seeking or in need of honest, reality-based and rational philosophy. We provide the framework necessary for the establishment of an essentially secular and independent “Scio-Society,” in the belief that the Scio-Society will benefit both its own members and humanity as a whole. We also believe that as the undeniable value of the complete non-mysticism of the Scio-Society becomes evident to greater numbers of individuals, and as they come to examine the Scionics Protocols, and ultimately the Church of Scio-Buddhism, more individuals will come to join the Church itself.
It is also important to note that a common tenet of many forms of Buddhism, including Scio-Buddhism, is that it is more important to lead individuals to enlightenment or awakening than it is to make them “Buddhists.” It is also more important to alleviate suffering, than it is to make them “Buddhists.” Scionics leads individuals to a non-mystical and very real path of enlightenment or awakening, and it alleviates much of the suffering which is due to mysticism.
Q: Are the Scionics Institute or the Church of Scio-Buddhism registered 501(c)(3) organizations, and are donations/payments to either of them tax deductible?
A: The simple answer is “no, we are not registered as a 501(c)(3) organization, but as a Church we automatically have 501(c)(3) status” – and “yes, donations are tax deductible!”
Here’s the more complex answer: We are a Church. To be more specific, the Church of Scio-Buddhism is a Church, and the Scionics Institute, as mentioned in an answer above, is the publishing, media, and communication arm of the Church of Scio-Buddhism. It is part of the Church, and operates solely under the authority of the Church.
While we are a Church, we are not lawyers or tax specialists. The following is therefore not meant to be legal or tax advice, but does reflect our understanding of our tax-exempt status as a Church, and our understanding regarding the tax-deductible status of donations to the Church.
We are based in the United States of America, where Churches automatically have a special tax-exempt status, and do not need to “apply,” “register,” or undergo any sort of governmental or other “approval” or “recognition” process in order to exercise their tax-exempt status. This has been true since at least as early as the 1791 ratification of the United States Constitution, the First Amendment of which states:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
This was the very First Amendment to the Constitution, because it was recognized that these rights are so absolutely fundamental human liberty, and to the functioning of a free society. The unique status of Churches is reflected in the Internal Revenue Code, passed by Congress. Whereas certain types of not-for-profit organizations are required, by law, to apply for Federal recognition of their not-for-profit status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, this requirement does not apply to Churches. In order to make this clear, Section 508(c)(1)(A) specifically lists “churches, their integrated auxiliaries, and conventions or associations of churches” as being exempt from the requirement to register for recognition as a not-for-profit organization. They are exempt from this requirement because they are automatically tax-exempt under 501(c)(3) by virtue of their very unique legal status.
Furthermore, regarding the tax-deductible status of donations to the chruch, IRS Publication 526 states:
You can deduct your contributions only if you make them to a qualified organization. To become a qualified organization, most organizations other than churches and governments, as described below, must apply to the IRS.
So, from all of the above, you can see that while we have not applied for 501(c)(3) status, and are not registered as a 501(c)(3) organization, as a Church we automatically have 501(c)(3) status. Furthermore, as a Church, contributions made to us are automatically deductible. (Which is pretty much just what we said in our “simple” answer!)
Q: Are you the “Illuminati?”
A: This is another question we get asked from time to time. There is an organization known as the “Scio-Illuminati,” which claims to trace its roots back to the time of Pythagoras, and which has promoted our philosophy and The Protocols of Scionics. We have no way of verifying their claims regarding their origins.
We are happy whenever anyone promotes our work, and uses it the way it was meant to be used: as an instrument for promoting rational, reality-based thinking, and for creating a more happy and peaceful world. The “Scio-Illuminati” also appear to have many of the same goals as we do. That said, we are separate organizations, although we definitely are working to “illuminate” an often very dark world.
© 1988-2025 The Scionics Institute
© 2012-2025 The Church of Scio-Buddhism