Officiant: Welcome to the Naming and Introduction Ceremony for the [son/daughter/child] of [parents' names]. As we were once children ourselves, so we recognize that children grow. To grow well, in both body and mind, a child's many needs must be fulfilled. Some needs are physical, such as nourishment, warmth, and protection. Others are beyond the physical, such as the need for honesty, tolerance, and love. Today as this precious child is Introduced to our Community, let us remember that it is by manifesting honesty to a child that it will grow to be honest, that it is by manifesting tolerance that it will grow to be tolerant, and that by manifesting love that it will learn to be loving. As members of the Human Family we recognize that the positive growth of this [boy/girl/child] is in the interest of all. Therefore, I ask each of you here present: Do you commit yourself, today and always, to being an example of honesty, tolerance, and love, for this child here before you, and for all children you encounter along the path of your life?

Attendees in unison: I do.

Officiant: Do you commit yourself, today and always, to maintaining a safe, wholesome, and healthy environment for this child here before you, and for all children you encounter along the path of your life?

Attendees in unison: I do.

Officiant: While all of us, as members of the Human Family, have an interest in the positive growth of this [boy/girl/child] here before us, and of all children, [parents' names] have chosen two people in particular to act as Mentors for their [son/daughter/child], to take a special interest in [his/her] positive growth and to accept a special responsibility for [him/her] in the event of their death or default.

Therefore I ask [parents' names] to identify the chosen Mentors for their [son/daughter/child].

One or both Parents in Unison: The chosen Mentors for our [son/daughter/child] are [Mentors names].

Officiant: Will the Mentors please step forward?

(The Mentors step forward.)

Officiant: Do you [Mentors' names] agree to act as Mentors for the [son/daughter/child] of [parents' names], to take a special interest in [his/her] positive growth and to accept a special responsibility for [him/her] in the event of the death or default of [his/her] parents?

Mentors in unison: I do.

Officiant: We recognize that while all members of the Human Family have an interest in the positive growth of this and all children, and that while [Mentors' names] have agreed to accept a special responsibility as Mentors for the child before us, the primary responsibility for the nurturing, loving, and positive growth of this child belongs to [parents' names]. Therefore I ask you [parents' names]: Do you accept this most profound responsibility, the responsibility to nurture your [son/daughter/child], in body and mind, to provide for [his/her] nourishment, warmth, and protection, to manifest honesty that [he/she] will grow in honesty, to manifest tolerance that [he/she] will grow in tolerance, and to manifest love that [he/she] will grow in love?

Parents in unison: I do.

Officiant: You have declared your acceptance of the profound responsibility for the nurturing, loving, and positive growth of your [son/daughter/child]. One of the privileges of that responsibility is the naming of your [son/daughter/child]. Therefore I ask you, [parents' names]: What name do you give your [son/daughter/child]?

One or both Parents in unison: We give our [son/daughter/child] the name [child's name].

Officiant: Then let it be known to all here present, and to all members of the Human Family, that the name of this [boy/girl/child] is [child's name].

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