Faith and Philosophy Consistent with Reason and Reality
Hello to everyone
I AM Only Onus.
A seeker of knowledge and truth.
Thanks to the Scio-Buddahism people for creating this site and sharing their wisdom.
Write to me, lets share what we have learned, and conceptualize on what other knowledge they have for us.
As well as plans for the future of our planet.
Love conquers ALL.
The Most Sacred Right is the Right of Freedom and Self-Determination.
The Most Sacred Duty is the Duty of Non-Interference with the Most Sacred Right of Freedom and Self-Determination of others.
The Most Sacred Right cannot exist without the Most Sacred Duty, and the Most Sacred Duty cannot exist without The Most Sacred Right.
These things are the basis of a truly unified planet.
Through these words, understanding and acceptance are born.
For the first time the word “Namaste” takes a deeper meaning in my perspective. My peace, gratitude, open mind and heart in this process of ever-becoming along with the collective mind. It both feels and “understands” good to be here. Fiat Lux!
Hello my fellow seekers namaste and and love I’ve been walking the bhodisatvas path for a long time now I am overjoyed that science wants to LEAP further into Buddhism and I’m overjoyed that more people want to look into Buddhism and I’m happy to share anything that I know I am from Lebanon Maine we are starting our own Temple up there called wukong Temple it is about dynamic learning and martial art I would be very happy to share meditation techniques or talk to anyone of y’all that need help from the Buddha Hari Hari Krishna
@avalokteshvara I’m curious as to what you have to share. I came here from Scionics because it’s anti mystical, and it is here too. Your talk of getting help from the Buddha Hari Hari Krishna seems mystical, but I know really nothing about it. It sounds like you’re referring to a personal god, though. What do you believe?
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